Review Our Samples of High Quality Fake Diplomas and Fake Transcripts
Please note our fake diplomas and fake transcripts on our samples page are for demonstration purposes only. Unlike other sites that use generic templates we customize each order to your needs. We listen to your requirements to make sure you get exactly what you want. We keep open communication with our customers throughout the process so you can request revisions and final approval to ensure your diploma or transcript is error free and meets your expectations. Check out our samples and decide what you want and if you’re happy place your order!

All samples on this page have our watermark and are distorted to prevent competitors from stealing. Your final product will not have the watermark and will be in correct proportions. Click on the image to see a higher resolution version. We only show a limited selection of samples, these documents are not our entire inventory. Your finished document will only have the information you provide and will not have our company name, "replica" or "novelty" on it. We can’t change the institution’s name as it’s part of the template design to make it look authentic.
Before you order please review our fake diploma samples. This will give you an idea of what information we need to create your document. If you don’t see your school on the list contact us to check availability. Our fake diploma samples are the best in the business.
Review our Templates

We respect the copyright of educational institutions on the documents we use. So we can’t upload all the templates on our website as it would be an infringement of those copyrights. We display a limited number of templates, edited to be generic. But your final document will be anything but generic, we will use your specifications to create a custom and high quality product. Click on the thumbnails to view a better version of each sample. When ordering a fake transcript or any other document, adding a course list makes it more authentic. Check out our fake college diploma courses or fake replica listing sections to see examples. When you order, email us your course list. Order now!
You can only buy this quality of documents from us!

Click Here for more Fake Diploma Samples

Many of the templates here are white but the actual document will be printed on different colored papers. We use parchment and security paper, we choose the color that matches the original school’s document.
We are confident that the samples have impressed you so please do,


Click Here for more Fake Diploma Samples
Our samples have our name printed on the front to prevent competitors from stealing. But the actual document you will receive will not have our business name.
Get Your Frame!
When looking where to buy your fake certificate it’s important to choose a reliable website. We build trust with our customers so you have full control of the wording and details on your document. You are buying a high quality fake degree that deserves to be framed for added protection and professional look.
If you are gifting this product a frame will not only preserve it but also make it look better. We have various frames for any document and you can even add fake diploma medallions to make it more visually appealing.
When looking to buy novelty fake diplomas online, ethical questions arise. Most sites sell novelty degrees for gifts or as a replacement for your actual document. The ethics of buying such certificates depends on its purpose. One common reason to buy a novelty fake diploma is to replace an original document. You can order a replica from your university but the process is long, requires personal information and has a fee. Buying from a reputable fake diploma maker is usually faster and more affordable.