The Real Fake Diploma Review
We decided to create this page as there was mounting concern among our are loyal customers that a number of so called fake diploma review sites have come out of the woodwork claiming to be an impartial fake diploma review site for anyone interested in purchasing a fake diploma.

Actually if this was the case we would have been very happy as customers should be aware as to what they are purchasing and the quality of the products that they are purchasing but the fact of the matter is that these sites are owned and maintained by a number of fake diploma sites for the sole purpose of discrediting their competitors and subsequently provide a false positive review of their own fake diploma site and its partner sites.
The fake diploma review sites
fakediplomareviewsite .org
This site is owned by 2 different fake diploma vendors namely phoneydiploma .com and diplomacompany .com, diplomacompany is owned by an ex-employee of phoneydiploma but despite the earlier animosity between these sites they have now struck an unholy alliance to setup this so called review site. Both phoneydiploma and diplomacompany have links pointing to this review site as they attempt to nullify all the other legitimate bad reviews of their products.
underground-review .com
At first glance this fake diploma review site seems to not be owned by any fake diploma site but we soon changed this opinion as they suddenly changed their review of recommending backalleypress .com to a new positive recommendation of Fakediplomasite .com which is basically run by the same company and is just a duplicate of the earlier site. So you can make your own mind on that and they have even setup another site noveltyidsite .com to give the same recommendation.
diplomaone .com
This is a new site that has popped up recently and we must admit that it does give us a fair review but we want to make it clear that we are in no way connected to this particular fake diploma review site, we are compelled to categorically state this as some customers were of the view that we created this site like the other sites that were created by the other fake diploma vendors. Even after reviewing this site we have not changed our option with regards to review sites, if you want to purchase a product from us please contact us directly as relying on a review site such as this means that you will be purchasing the products based on a third parties perceived notion as to the nature of the product you will receive.
the newest tactic
The newest plow adopted by our competitors is to create fake complaints on the various complaint websites you find on the net, all complaints are the same as they claim to have not received the items they have purchased from us, we have replied to most of these complaints and have asked for solid evidence that the complaint is authentic and the individual making the complaint has indeed purchased from our site, we would like to make it clear that no one has ever come forward with even a shred of evidence that they have purchased from us and the order was not delivered. It is obvious that all these complaints are fake and is another example of the very underhanded and deceitful methods our competitors use to discredit this site.
In conclusion we would like to say that we have proof to substantiate all the claims that we have made here so if anyone wants more proof to put their minds at ease please do contact us and we will help you out and add to this we purchased a fake diplomas from all 3 of these sites and what we received actually made us laugh as it was nothing like the original so please let us know and we will also send you a proof of this and you can also have good laugh.
And finally if you are considering purchasing from any of these sites please keep in mind that these sites have done to the extent of creating fake diploma review sites and have duplicate sites own their own site in a desperate attempt to get more customers, so the choice is up to you when you purchase your fake diploma, but as always buyer beware. It is extremely essential that you check out the different fake diploma review sites so that you can compare the services offered and then take your decision to buy a
fake diploma the right way.